So I was shopping in Macy's a couple weeks ago, just browsing around, I took the escalator to the second floor I look to the right and I couldn't believe my eyes, there was a MAC Counter! My jaw dropped. Since when did my mall have a MAC? Why didn't I know about this? I was so shocked and surprised. I thought my mall would never get a MAC. I found out the counter just opened a couple days earlier. Before I had little availably to a MAC, since before the nearest one was about an hour away. I'm so excited now I can purchase more MAC products. Seeing the new counter I had to purchase something. They still had a lot of stuff from the venomous villains. I really wanted something from that collection so I bought the Maleficent Lipglass in Revenge is Sweet. I love the color. I thought it would be very bold but its not at all, its the perfect shade.